
  • Is my payment secure? We've gone the extra mile to make sure your payments will be completely secure. Payments are all processed using the latest 256-bit encryption, with security socket-layer (SSL) protection.
  • Can I pay by check? We strongly discourage paying by check, due to the extra paperwork and staff time it takes to manually process the transaction. If you are concerned about security with online credit cards, please click here to read this short Money Talk article in the LA Times to learn about the huge security risks associated with checks. If you still can't find any other way to sign up other than by check, please email Luke@citrusheightssentinel.com to arrange for payment by check.
  • What are the free DVDs about? The first 100 supporters who sign up will receive a free copy of "Ladies to the Rescue," a local documentary about the pioneering female first-responders who fought fires and provided medical aid in Citrus Heights from the 1950s to the 1980s.
  • When will the DVD's be sent? A bulk order has been placed and the DVD's will be mailed to you via USPS in mid-April.
  • Does the 25% discount apply to monthly plans? Unfortunately no. Due to the high cost of processing small transactions, this discount only applies if purchasing at the annual rate.
  • Why is the month-to-month price more than $2? Our credit card processor, Stripe, charges a per-transaction fee of .30 cents and an additional percentage on each transaction. A $2 transaction costs close to 50 cents to process -- which is nearly 25% of the entire transaction going to fees. This is why we encourage our readers to subscribe at the discounted annual rate: it keeps your costs low, and our costs low.
  • Can I cancel at any time? Yes. You can cancel at any time with a 1-click cancellation button from your account page -- there is no need to even contact us unless you would like a refund. Pro-rated refunds are available on annual plans, as described in our terms of service.

Have another question or issue in signing up? Click here to email us.